Local News

Driving home safety message

February 6 - 12, 2008
Gulf Weekly Stan Szecowka
By Stan Szecowka

TRAFFIC police are continuing in their mission to convince drivers to slow down and take more care on the kingdom's roads.

And some of Bahrain's leading companies are welcoming the initiative by inviting road shows on to their premises to highlight the dangers.

As reported in last week's GulfWeekly four young people died in road accidents on three consecutive days and the number of fatalities is continuing to grow each year.

Sources within the Traffic Directorate, however, say the softly-softly approach may change if drivers across the kingdom do not improve their driving habits.

As part of a GPIC Safety, Health and Environment Week and within the framework of the ongoing co-operation with government organisations in the kingdom, the General Directorate of Traffic at the Ministry of the Interior took part in the exhibition held by GPIC.

Some General Directorate of Traffic officials (pictured right) took part in this exhibition and urged drivers to comply with traffic rules for the well-being and safety of all.

They distributed traffic awareness leaflets and brochures to increase awareness of traffic procedures.

Abdul Rahman Jawahery, GPIC general manager, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation for the efforts made by the General Directorate of Traffic.

He added that through such participation the directorate was able to educate a large number of citizens about following traffic rules and observing the safety guidelines. This event was part of a series of programmes carried out by the company aimed at helping to protect the safety of its employees and contractors.

Road safety campaigns in other countries, however, have had to combine an education programme with a determined crackdown on driving offenders.

In Oman, for example, speeding motorists and those not following the Highway Code face hefty fines as well as penalty points on their license and the possibility of driving bans.

If the message fails to get across and the death toll continues to rise in Bahrain, sources within the traffic department have revealed a plan to impose a three-month blitz on dangerous driving starting in March which may include instant spells in the cells for offenders who would be treated in the same harsh manner as drivers found under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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