
Youth Talk

July 19 - 25, 2017

I am often told that I have the technological awareness of a 60-year-old (Editor’s note: careful, I’m 58). My interaction to my phone is limited to a few clumsy taps to use WhatsApp, phone a few friends and listen to music.       

This is why I proudly parade with my Note 3 in my pocket, shaking my head in dismay at those who live inside their phones.

As smartphones infiltrate our world deeper each day, I feel real conversations die. People easily disregard what type of relationship they share with the person they are ‘chatting’ with and send messages of different sorts which they would never have had the guts to physically speak.

Games have been playing at trying to mould our lives within them. What surprises me is how people enjoy living in another’s imagination.

Moreover, though most parents like to start complaining about their children with the routine ‘kids these days are perpetually on their phones …’ introspection sometimes reveals that adults themselves are heavily-addicted to this technology tornado themselves.

Most adults are well enveloped by Facebook, Twitter messaging applications, to name a few.

We are all heavily wrought by a hilarious blame game where this Youth Talk column serves to dodge the fingers pointed at us. What I’m not sure about is whether smartphones are genuinely as bad as I think or is it just us being human and resisting change?

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