Sports Weekly

Run for a cause

January 25 - January 31 ,2023
Gulf Weekly Run for a cause
Gulf Weekly Run for a cause
Gulf Weekly Run for a cause
Gulf Weekly Run for a cause

Gulf Weekly Mai Al Khatib-Camille
By Mai Al Khatib-Camille

People from across the kingdom will be lacing up their shoes and stepping out for a caring cause this Saturday to raise funds for the Friendship Society for the Blind, writes Mai Al-Khatib Camille.

The youth-led humanitarian non-governmental organisation Ayadi Relief had reached out to Dana Zubari, one of the Lettuce Run ladies group founders, to stage a charity walk to raise awareness about the Society’s services and efforts to cater to the blind and the visually impaired community.

“Obviously, my answer was yes ‘lett-uce’ do this; no pun intended,” said the social media icon who is a Tru Active fitness attire co-founder, Ironman finisher and triathlete.

The 2km walk, which starts at 9.30am, will be held at Al Estiqlal Jogging Park in Riffa and entry is BD5 for adults and children can participate for free.

“The walk is open to men, women and children,” added Zubari.

“It will only be one hour of your day, and BD5 is not a huge number. However, the difference you are making to these blind children is immense as most of them come from underprivileged homes that cannot afford the extra costs to get the youngsters the best attention and the much-needed help.

“Some of the children’s disabilities don’t end with just being blind. Some cannot speak and some have other forms of learning disabilities as well. So please join us as it will be a fun day to spend with your family while doing good for your community.”

The group’s goal is to raise BD3,000 from the walk and 100 per cent of the proceeds will be donated to the Society.

The Friendship Society for the Blind, which was set up in 1981, founded a one-of-a-kind nursery in 1991 to enhance the capabilities of children with visual impairments, as well as empower them with tools to aid them through challenges whilst growing up.

There are around 10 children at the nursery, aged three to six, and four certified teachers preparing them for all aspects of life.

According to Rabab Alaradhi, a teacher at the nursery, children are integrated into government schools after the age of six and educators make sure they are equipped with the skills they need and can read and write.

Ayadi Relief - founded in 2013 to provide emergency aid, education and social assistance, both locally and internationally, through a series of campaigns and initiatives - believes this walk is a good way to uplift and highlight the Society’s efforts.

“The event aims to raise awareness of the free services that the Friendship Society for the Blind provides to our community, both adults and children, with visual impairments and blindness,” said Jumana Jaafar Alderazi, an Ayadi Relief project manager.

“Proceeds raised will go towards the rehabilitation, awareness and support services that the society provides.”

According to Zubari, after completing the walk, participants can join them in heading to the Friendship Society for the Blind in Riffa for complimentary hot beverages and snacks.

“Ayadi Relief, the Friendship Society and I would love to see all your lovely faces there on Saturday,” added Zubari. “I genuinely believe if everyone just helped out, even for as little as one hour of their week, we would have such a flourishing community.”

For details, follow @ayadi_relief, and @fsblind on Instagram.

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