Health Weekly

Drop the fat for a mean and lean look

January 21 - 27, 2015
Gulf Weekly Drop the fat for a mean and lean look

IT goes without saying that there is a growing obsession surrounding how much one weighs.

Regardless of how you look and feel, a number is what dictates so many people into irresponsible dieting and over training their bodies. It’s important to realise that everybody is different, and that there is no pre-fixed ideal weight for a man or woman. It all comes down to factors such as height, age, genetics and bone density.

Weight is a combination of fat, muscle and water. And as we all know, muscle is much more dense than fat. Your goal should be to lose fat, while retaining muscle. An inefficient diet and training routine can certainly help you lose weight, but it may be causing you to lose more muscle than fat. This simply leaves you with a smaller, flabbier version of your previous self. You don’t only want to weigh less, but you want to look good too, right?

The tools for successful fat loss are simple. Eat a balanced diet consisting of sufficient protein, carbohydrates and fats. Your exercise routine should have a complimentary combination of cardio and weights, thus stimulating fat loss and initiating muscle growth.

Last but not least, ensure that your body gets a minimum of eight hours sleep every night in order for your muscles to repair and recover, and fat loss to be optimised.

Follow the scale, but don’t let it depict your life. If the mirror shows progress, keep doing what you’re doing.

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