Fashion Weekly

Fun for mums and babes

March 25 - 31, 2015
Gulf Weekly Fun for mums and babes

Gulf Weekly Camille Jones
By Camille Jones

HOW many of you mothers have gone out determined to buy something for yourself, but ended up with those annoying pangs of guilt, forcing you to pick up toys and trinkets for your kids instead?

The team at Max Fashion wants to honour this type of ‘selfless love’ with the launch of ‘Mums and Kids Weekends’.

 “When you spend 15BD on children’s-wear, mothers will receive 20 per cent off on all their ladies-wear purchases. They will also be entered into a draw for monthly prizes,” said Anil Dsilva, Max Fashion concept manager.

The campaign is running for the next three months, from Thursday to Saturday, every weekend, in both the Max Marina Mall location and Oasis East Riffa. There will be exclusive discount offers, raffles and entertainment for everyone to enjoy.

Children can have their face painted while mums relax and take advantage of the nail-art stations and other pampering activities.

For pregnant women, Max claims the largest value-brand maternity-wear available. It is no secret that with a growing belly clothing needs to be adjusted and sometimes it is hard to find the right ‘prego-pieces’.

Well, the spring/summer collection is now in-store with a ton of trendy options that are comfortable and cost-effective starting at only BD4. There are stretchy denim leggings that can be paired with a Boho blouse or a floral graphic for only BD3.5.  With these prices you can grab all the basics you need.
Vikas Attri, chief operating officer of Al Rashid Group, said: “It was the perfect time to launch this unique concept with the celebration of International Women’s Day and with Mother’s Day just this past weekend. We wanted to honour the mother and child relationship and felt that these two segments work together. If this campaign works well then we will extend to all other concepts.”

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