Golf News

Champions crowned

April 27 - May 3, 2016
Gulf Weekly Champions crowned

Ladies Vice Captain Stacey Thomas and playing partner Colin Dear were crowned Royal Golf Club Mixed Open Champions 2016 after achieving a fantastic nett score of 65. Husband and wife David and Dena Wales were runners-up with a score of 69.6 nett.

More than 30 competitors turned out for the annual tournament which was played in the two-player mixed greensomes format. The event was rounded off with a prize presentation ceremony in the Members’ Lounge where last year’s winners, Nils and Dagfrid Berge, handed over the trophy to Dear and Thomas.

“Congratulations to Colin and Stacey on their very convincing win,” said Sohail Singh, the club’s tournament coordinator. “The Mixed Open is a great tournament that brings together both sexes and is played in a format which isn’t really used too often.”

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