
Morag from Manama

August 17 - 23, 2016

Aaaaargh, I can’t take it anymore!

Help, I’ve been home now with the kids for seven weeks and we are all at breaking point, in fact I’m literally cracking up.

I mean, just how many times in one day can a child holler ‘MuuuuuuuuM’ and usually from the other end of the house?

As I pour myself another large glass, take a sigh, add up the days until the husband arrives and head to the bathroom to hide - I lock the door, sit down on the throne and tell myself ‘I can do this, I can do this’.

I’m not going to pretend, being a single parent throughout most of the summer is a hard slog. The kids are demanding, family and friends are all vying for your attention and you have to fit in around their holiday commitments whilst they fail to comprehend that this is your holiday time too.

In addition to our usual holiday frolics, I’m project managing our house renovation which had been leased out for the past 10 years. My initial enthusiasm and energy is slowly draining as I realise the mammoth task of completing a decade’s worth of home maintenance is far too big an undertaking for this expat wife.

So, I have been forced to leave some of the jobs for the husband’s arrival, the unblocking of drains and clearing of gutters should be right up his street.

Anyway, the paint brushes are calling me once more, must get on. For all you lucky ones that have stayed or already returned to Bahrain, enjoy!

See you soon.

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