Golf Weekly

Rashid and Scott shine

April 25 - May 1, 2018
Gulf Weekly Rashid and Scott shine


The final medal competition of Awali Golf Club’s season was held last Friday with the simultaneous running of two competitions: the Consolation Cup and the Cup Winners Cup.

The main event was restricted to those who had not been the winner in a competition this season, or who had not previously won the trophy, and the Cup Winners Cup was played for those who did not need consoling due to success earlier in the season, or in a previous competition.

More than 80 players were in the field, including ex-Captain Dave Frosdick playing as a guest in what was a ‘last hoorah’ before his retirement to the UK.

Adnan Rashid, having rejoined the club this season following his return from several years employment overseas, displayed that finally he was back on form, winning the Consolation Cup with a net 64 (gross 74). He was just ahead of Abdulla Al Kaabi who was runner-up after countback (64/72).

Meanwhile, great play by Susan Scott saw her on pole in the Cup Winners Cup with a net-62 (gross 84). At the trophy and prize presentation, Scott was a little perplexed when she was presented with the club’s smallest trophy - intentionally sized so as to remind players to check their ego - but was less quizzical when reminded of her previous Consolation Cup win in the 2014/15 season.

At the post-play formalities, Captain Paul Anderson commenced with the welcome task of presenting a handicap certificate to Heath Moxham, recently arrived in Bahrain.

On a less welcome task, he then advised of the forthcoming departure from Bahrain of two of the club’s long-standing members, Dave and Nicky Bailey.

In a sign of appreciation for their commitment to the Club, Anderson presented a plaque highlighting Dave’s service as both captain and vice-captain and Nicky’s contribution as social member on the committee for four years.

Dave spoke of his enjoyment that the club had provided over the years since his arrival in the 2001/02 season. He reminisced on the words of others who similarly had stood as he now was - words expressing an opinion that Awali was a unique club with its social make-up.

Having had experience of several other clubs, Dave confirmed that in his opinion these previous speakers had been absolutely right. He also encouraged all to volunteer, mentioning that any help is welcome, even by those who are not great golfers.

The captain continued with the announcement of all the prize winners, with Nicky presenting the prizes on behalf of the club, assisted by tournament director Rashid Al Qutami.

The ever-popular raffle followed, met with the usual cheer of approval. Formalities concluded with Dave and Nicky providing one last act of generosity - a bell ring.

But that was hardly the end of the day. In an example of the social character of the club, the band struck-up, comprising three members - guitarists John Parker, Andy Doherty and Leo Innecco - assisted by Nigel Griffiths on ukelele and mouth organ. In the wings, Gerry McDermott spooned around and Petri Kettunen bongoed boisterously.

As the tempo speeded up, a dance-floor materialised. Looks of amazement were witnessed at the sight of the Club’s oldest member, 80-year-old Peter Rogers strutting his stuff and not complaining about the music for a change.

So as to provide even more entertainment, a strange looking person appeared and proceeded to take charge of the stage with a ‘human fruit machine’ performance. Later he was discovered to be The Great Sphinxter and when three-in-a-row were pulled from the hats, yet more prizes were won.

And that was just about the end of the day.

Full results:

Consolation Cup: 1st Adnan Rashid (net 64, gross 74), 2nd Abdulla Al Kaabi (64/72), 3rd Hamad Salem (66/71 - this the lowest gross score), 4th Abdul Elah Fakhroo (67/80), 5th Colin Drysdale (94/68). Cup-winners Cup: Susan Scott (84/62). Side prizes: Ladies neares the pin Hole-4: Roberta Trzebinkski, Gents nearest the pin Hole-6: Essa Al Qutami, Longest putt Hole-18: Richard Pawson.

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