
The hunt for Juliet goes on

September 4 - 10, 2019
Gulf Weekly The hunt for Juliet goes on

Pirelli is launching a Shakespearian-style 2020 calendar boasting strong, leading females from the cinematic and modeling world.

Photographer Paolo Roversi captured eight actresses and models, that all embody a concept of love, for the “Looking for Juliet” themed calendar, with special guest being Franco-Italian artist, Stella Roversi. His version of the modern day Juliet is a woman who is strong, passionate about what she believes in and fights for others.

The project aims to ‘take its cue from the Shakespearean drama and the intersection of love, strength, youth and beauty embodied by its female protagonist’. Those asked to take part were presented the role of Juliet in an ideal casting session that sees them act, pose and sing; exhibiting their individual personalities, thoughts and styles.

The calendar, which was shot in Paris and Verona, featured stars such as Twilight actress Kristen Stewart, The Crown’s Claire Foy, Grown-ish Yara Shahidi and British actress and activist Emma Watson.

Kristen chose to wear leather and lounge on a table reading, while Claire wore feathers and went for a more traditional look with a bejewelled head crown. Mia Goth, Chinese singer Chris Lee, the Spanish singer Rosalia and non-binary star Indya Moore all also appear in the shots.

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