Health Weekly

Health Weekly

New hope for patients

July 29 - August 4, 2015

Patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease who took an experimental drug early in the course of their disease preserved more of their cognitive and functional ability.

Protein blocking causes brain plaques that lead to Alzheimer’s

July 29 - August 4, 2015

Solanezumab works by blocking formation of a protein called beta amyloid believed to cause toxic brain plaques that are considered a hallmark of Alzheimer’s, a disease recently highlighted in a series of articles in HealthWeekly by columnist Dr Mahmood Kadem Al Saeed, medical resident in Salmaniya Medical Complex with a special interest in elderly medicine.

Small bits

July 29 - August 4, 2015

Confusing calories
How much food does that exercise earn you? You might be surprised

Juice ginger

July 29 - August 4, 2015

I personally love the taste of ginger in food and drinks. But because it’s not always available in my kitchen or I buy it and forgot to use it; or I can’t be bothered to buy a big piece just to use a slice, I end up not using it as often as I would like.