Local News

Save your smile!

August 19 - 25 , 2020
Gulf Weekly Save your smile!

Gulf Weekly Naman Arora
By Naman Arora

The new normal of video meetings has made our smiles a bigger part of professional success and the advent of Bahraini summers always brings many sweet temptations that can put these at risk, writes Naman Arora.

According to Dr Pavankumar Kalwa, periodontist at the American Mission Hospital (AMH), good oral health is important for one’s overall well-being. Regular flossing and brushing will help control and prevent problems like gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath.

Gum disease or gingivitis is caused by a build-up of plaque and bacteria, leading to inflamed, swollen, bleeding and receding gums. If left untreated, it develops into periodontitis, a condition in which the gums and bones that hold the teeth are severely compromised after bacteria on teeth release toxic substances. Without appropriate treatment, this can lead to tooth loss.

Tooth decay and cavities are amongst the most common health problems in the world. Early diagnosis means early treatment, while ignoring it can cause severe pain, infection and tooth loss.

Halitosis or bad breath is quite common as well, often stemming from alcohol, tobacco and coffee, but can also be symptomatic of tooth decay, mouth ulcers and throat or chest infections.

Oral health is about more than just an attractive smile. Poor oral health and untreated diseases can have a significant impact on the quality of life. According to Dr Pavankumar, recent reports indicate a relationship between periodontal disease and stroke, heart disease and preterm low-birth-weight babies.

He also recommends the following measures to maintain good oral hygiene:

v Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Remember to brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, as well as your tongue. Floss to remove food particles between teeth, even after brushing.

v Replace your toothbrush every three months, or sooner if the bristles become frayed.

v Avoid snacking and eating sticky and sugary foods. Consume fibrous, crunch and self-cleansing foods, like salads, fruits, meat and low fat dairy products, which are better for general as well as oral health.

v Avoid alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee and tea as they lead to staining and erosion of tooth enamel.

v Avoid all tobacco products, as they can increase your risk of gum disease, oral and throat cancers, and oral fungal infections.

v Manage your stress. High stress levels can release cortisol, which increases the likelihood of inflammation throughout the body, including gums.

v Visit the dentist every six months to get your teeth checked and cleaned so that any problems can be detected early and treated.

AMH is providing a number of periodontal treatment procedures including deep gum cleaning, pocket reduction surgery, splinting of loose teeth, advanced regenerative procedures such as bone grafting to increase support of teeth and soft tissue grafting for receded gums as well as cosmetic procedures like gum contouring and gum bleaching. The hospital is currently running a special offer until the end of the month at their Manama and Riffa dental clinics for cash paying patients, where you can get a dental consultation, cleaning and polishing for BD15.

Book your appointment by calling AMH at 17248145 or 17248146.

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