Health Weekly

Little changes for BIG results

January 28 - February 3, 2015
Gulf Weekly Little changes for BIG results

I was recently asked a question about how working professionals or elderly people can strive to be healthier, when they’ve hardly got the time or energy to exercise or make a daily trip to the gym.

I think most people assume it’s too late to turn their lives around, especially if they’re burdened with a hectic job that is both physically and mentally demanding. However, it’s important to note that your inability to function doesn’t only come from a stressful job, but a lot of other poor health choices made in the process. Moreover, hitting the gym or exercising is only a part of moving towards a better mind and body.

Working out is hardly 10 per cent of the battle. Your lifestyle outside the gym will define how healthy and fit you truly are.

Start by making little adjustments to your daily routine; ditch the elevator and walk up the stairs, eat more but eat healthily, play a casual sport with your peers over the weekend and most importantly, get a good night’s sleep.

If your lifestyle compliments your body’s essential needs, you are already on the path to living a better, healthier and stress-free life.

Immediate alterations can be difficult, and the reason most people fail at shifting towards a healthy life is because they try to change everything about their daily routine all at once.

The key is to take it one step at a time.

Give yourself time to adjust. All it requires is a little patience, consistency and dedication. If you look at the big picture, it’s a small price to pay when it comes to achieving a more comfortable life free of stress, body aches and illness.

Here’s a few tips to help get you started:
* Eat a big, healthy breakfast
If your first meal of the day is at 2pm, then you are bound to overeat simply out of starvation. Keep in mind that your body has been fasting for six to eight hours while you slept, and then you kept it waiting even longer till it’s next meal. There’s nothing more satisfying to an unfed body and mind than a big, irresistible plate of junk food.

* Eat more often
Yes, the key to losing weight is to eat more, but to eat healthy. Don’t wait for hunger to set in before you decide to eat. You should be feeding your body at regular intervals. Frequent meals of smaller portions will not only help keep hunger pangs at bay, but they’re also a remedy for binge-eating. Try to squeeze in a salad, some fruit juice or a sandwich in between meals. Shoot for five or six small meals a day rather than two or three gigantic ones.

* Drink more water
We often mistake thirst for hunger, and end up eating instead of drinking. If you’re constantly hungry, try drinking a glass or two of water, and wait for 15 minutes. You might just realise that you were never even hungry to begin with.

* Take a walk
We’re all tied down to our desks from morning to night. If it isn’t at work, it’s at home in front of our TV or computers. Make a habit out of taking a short break and going for a short walk every few hours. Do this at work and at home.

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