Golf News

Middleton and Price duo triumph

March 4 - 10, 2015
Gulf Weekly Middleton and Price duo triumph

Steve Middleton and playing partner Ashley Price narrowly top spot in the second competition of the six-week BMMI Shops Monday Madness Night Golf Series at the Royal Golf Club with a score of 25 points.

A countback was needed to separate the duo from runners-up Iftikhar Butt and Sam Jong Kim who achieved the same score. Last week’s winners, Carter Alexander and Stewart Tankard took third place with 24 points giving them a one-point lead at the top of the series Order of Merit.

Nearest the pin side contests on holes 12 and 16 were won by David Wales and Middleton, respectively.

More than 25 golfers competed in the Rainbow Challenge despite the chilly weather. Sohail Singh, the Royal Golf Club’s golf events co-ordinator, presented the prizes.

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