Golf Weekly

Don’t overthink the task ahead

March 14 - 20, 2018

The other one of my students asked why their ball striking on the range had improved but out on the course they were still struggling to see improvements.

As soon as this question was asked we went to the course and they were suffering from a very common problem – overthinking.

By the 4th hole I could tell that they were completely confused and nervous about what they were doing, and his bad shots had taken their mental toll.

After taking about 4-5 practice swings before the shot, and then addressing the ball. More waggles, and making all sorts of uncomfortable movements for another 20 seconds. I knew what was coming … SHANK! the ball went directly to his right.

In this circumstance I recommend the Think Box and Play Box.

Think Box

Imagine a 1m x 1m box and step into the middle, in the think box you can take multiple practice swings and think about what you want to achieve in your shot. In here swing thoughts and drills can be utilised to get your mind and body in the right place.

Play Box

Stepping out of the think box you move into another 1m x 1m box this time with the ball. Focus on your target and get set-up to the ball. At this moment I want you to have ‘zero’ thoughts about swing technique. Only focus on the target and then pull the trigger.

Practice this on the range until you can distinguish between the both boxes, both are crucial in transitioning from the range to the course.

For more on how to improve your game contact Rory on 39215224.

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